Thank you for choosing The Extreme Studio. We are so excited you are part of the Studio family.
We have developed policies that ensure our program's success and help our students grow and learn safely and become successful and confident.
Below you will find information needed for classes, camps, mini clinic & kids night out.
Drop off/ Pick Up
We have a drop off/ pick up car line. Please enter to the left, looping around parking lot. An instructor will meet you and pick up the child in front of the north facing door. Please follow the same route for pick up. An instructor will bring your child to the car. During watch weeks, drop your child off following normal procedures then enter at the west facing door.
On your child's first visit we welcome you to come and meet everyone! Walk your child in the front door and the staff will help you from there! Please follow the pick up procedure listed aboveafter the class
If you need to secure your child/ children in a car seat, we ask that you pull up as far as possible before coaches bring your child to you. This will allow staff to continue with the next car in line.
If you need to secure your child/ children in a car seat, we ask that you pull up as far as possible before coaches bring your child to you. This will allow staff to continue with the next car in line.
What to Wear
Leotards are required for safety. Loose fitting clothing can get caught or tangled in instructors hands during spotting.
TUMBLING: You may choose the leotard or purchase one at the studio. Booty shorts, biketards, and yoga pants (over the leo) are allowed. Boys in tumbling class may wear shorts, and tee or tank top, no long sleeves or long pants. Hair must be up and off of the face.
ACRO SKILLS: You may choose the leotard or purchase one at the studio. Booty shorts, biketards, and yoga pants (over the leo) are allowed. Boys in acro class may wear shorts, and tee or tank top, no long sleeves or long pants. Hair must be up and off of the face.
CHEER TECHNIQUE: Students may wear athletic attire . Low top tennis shoes or cheer shoes are required. Hair must be up and off of the face.
Please have your child use the restroom before class. This is especially important for the Littles classes. Littles student must also wear shoes and clothing that they can easily take off and put on independently.
Please have your child use the restroom before class. This is especially important for the Littles classes. Littles student must also wear shoes and clothing that they can easily take off and put on independently.
watch week
Watch weeks will be held approximately every 5 weeks. You will be notified via the announcement sheets sent home with students, the link to the tumbling announcements and social media.
In order to maintain routine, please drop your child off via the car line, park, then enter through the main, west facing doors.
In order to maintain routine, please drop your child off via the car line, park, then enter through the main, west facing doors.
To keep families updated on all of the studio news, we periodically pass out paper announcements to students at the end of class. A link to these announcements can also be found at the bottom of the tumbling page on our website.
During inclement weather, we will follow the Basehor Linwood School District schedule. If classes are canceled for the district, we too will cancel classes. This includes cancellations for temperature. If the district has school but evening activities are canceled due to impending weather, we will cancel evening tumbling classes. This information can also be found on our website and social media accounts. Make- up classes are not offered.
Year-round program & holiday breaks
At The Extreme Studio we believe students benefit from our year-round program that allows for advancement at any time. We do not hold students back with a yearly registration schedule. Additionally, at the Studio we take only a few, short holiday breaks to ensure students do not lose the valuable skills they have gained through all of their hard work. Below are scheduled breaks. We do not offer make-up classes for these scheduled breaks or any other missed classes including illness, weather cancellations.Labor Day: September 2-6, 2024Halloween: October 28-November 1, 2024Thanksgiving: November 25-29, 2024Christmas/ New Year: December 23, 2024-January 3, 2025
Social Media
All social media videos and pics of your child will be hastaged with their first name, last initial and the word tumbling (#elliewtumbling). This will allow you to search and track all of your child skills and progress! SOCIALSA lot of great info can be found on our social media sites. Please follow!
Tumble team
The Extreme Studio offers Littles, Silver and Gold & Platinum tumbling students the option to participate on our competitive tumbling team. This amazing opportunity will help students gain poise and confidence and give them the opportunity to present their tumbling skills in front of judges. Students will learn age and skill level appropriate routines which they will perfect and practice in class and at additional practice sessions. Team season runs from October- February. Team members compete in meets held in November & February. Additionally, members qualify to compete in the championship meet which is held at the end of February. Meets are held locally.
TUMBLING: Students can advance at any time. Advancement from Littles to Silver happens when the child turns 6 or they have the required skills. A strong cartwheel with feet landing in correct order with good form and a strong lever to handstand against wedge. To advance from Silver to Gold students must master the backbend kickover, and a strong lever to tap handstand. Advancement from Gold to Platinum requires a front walkover, back walkover and standing back handspring. We will notify you when your student has achieved the skills for advancement via a note that will be sent home from class.ACRO: Acro advancement skills are specific to level and mastery. CHEER TECHNIQUE: Cheer advancement is based on mastery of level specific jumps, tumbling and music call out.
Camps, Mini Skill Clinis, Kids Night Out
Drop off/ Pick Up
We have a drop off/ pick up car line. Please enter to the left, looping around parking lot. An instructor will meet you and pick up the child in front of the north facing door. Please follow the same route for pick up. An instructor will bring your child to the car.
If you need to secure your child/ children in a car seat, we ask that you pull up as far as possible before coaches bring your child to you. This will allow staff to continue with the next car in line.
If you need to secure your child/ children in a car seat, we ask that you pull up as far as possible before coaches bring your child to you. This will allow staff to continue with the next car in line.
What to Wear
CAMPS, CLINICS, KIDS NIGHT OUT: Leotards are required for Tumbling & Acro themed camps, clinics and kids night out. Loose fitting clothing can get caught or tangled in instructors hands during spotting. Booty shorts, biketards, and yoga pants (over the leo) are allowed. Boys may wear shorts, and tee or tank top, no long sleeves or long pants.
Sports camps require comfortable athletic clothing and tennis shoes. All other
Please send children with tennis shoes and a water bottle to all camps.
Hair must be up and off of the face.
Young participants must also wear shoes and clothing that they can easily take off and put on independently.
During inclement weather, we will follow the Basehor Linwood School District schedule. If classes are canceled for the district, we too will cancel programs. This includes cancellations for temperature. If the district has school but evening activities are canceled due to impending weather, we will cancel evening programs. This information can also be found on our website and social media accounts. Make- up classes are not offered.
Social Media
All social media videos and pics of your child will be hastaged with their first name, last initial and the word tumbling (#elliewtumbling). This will allow you to search and track all of your child skills and progress! SOCIALSA lot of great info can be found on our social media sites. Please follow!
Student cell phone policy
Students who bring cellphones to class will be required to place them in the designated area with their other belongings and leave them for the duration of class.