Doors open at 11. Please arrive 30 minutes BEFORE the warm up time for the tumblers session. The session is listed at the top of each page. Families are encouraged to watch other team members, but it is not required.
Please meet the coach at the tables near the concessions 15 minutes BEFORE the warm up time for their session. Tumblers should have only their leo. Leave all other belongings including shoes, jackets, etc. with parents. They will warm up and stretch with the coach and get the card needed to compete. The coach will then take tumblers to the warm up room to practice before competing. Parents are not allowed in the warm up room.
No gum or jewelry except earrings.
Hair must be back and completely off face and secure. No bows or ribbons. Matching scrunchie is allowed. If you need to secure loose hair, please use plain barrettes or bobby pins. Long braided or ponytails that will touch face are not acceptable as it may interfere with skills.
Please wear the Extreme leo, jacket and black yoga pants (plain, no words or embellishments) and white tennis shoes When meeting coach, tumblers should have only their leo. Leave all other belongings including shoes, jackets, etc. with parents. When not competing, please make sure you are fully dressed in your jacket and yoga pants. No bra straps, tank straps, sports bras or underwear should be showing. Tumblers will not be allowed to compete without correct and complete uniform including visible undergarments, or hair that is not up and off face completely.
The Band app is an important communication tool for Tumble Team. Please download and join our group. Make sure that notifications are turned ON. Important communication will come through BAND during the meet.
Scoring is done by a 4 judge panel who have competed the Mid America Tumbling Sociey's training. The highest and lowest judges score is thrown out to determine final score. Judges' decisions are final.
Awards/ placements will be posted on the window near the front doors. Only the top 7 will be posted. Tumblers will take their comp card and go to the awards table to pick up any ribbons/ trophies. Please do not leave without taking a picture.
MEET VENUE INFORMATIONThe Winter Meet will take place at Shawnee Mission South High School on February 2nd.
Location: 5800 W. 107th Street, Overland Park, KS 66212.
Admission: $5, there is no charge for 12 and under. Programs will be available for $2.
Cash or checks as forms of payment at the meet
No coaches or parents are allowed in the warm up room.
No standing during the meet and no parents are allowed in front if barrier. No one is allowed on the floor at the end of the mats. This rule is to allow everyone to be able to take videos and pictures from the bleachers. We have been informed that our tumblers will be removed from competition if they need to be asked repeatedly to move or stay seated in the bleachers.