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Routine:Pike forward roll to stand, point foot forward, 2 cartwheels, finish. Taking a step out to each side place hands on floor and side to straddle split/sit, finish. Bringlegs together, back pike roll to stand (take two steps with hands to stand), finish. Taking a step out to the side, arch into back bend, and do an inside out, (taketwo steps with hands to stand) finish. Run hop cartwheel finish. Judges Notes:All of A-2 goes in one direction.Pike forward roll to stand, point foot forward, 2 cartwheels, finish. Taking a step out to each side place hands on floor and side to straddle split/sit, finish. Bring legs together, back pike roll to stand (take two steps with hands to stand), finish. Taking a step out to the side, arch into back bend, and do an inside out, (take two steps with hands to stand) finish. Run hop cartwheel finish.• Pike forward roll – Legs should stay straight until the tumbler rolls to stand up and the hands should not push the bottom off the floor If they push off the floor there is a 1pt deduction for improper placement of hands• Cartwheels do not have to be continuous.• On all back pike rolls tumblers get up to two steps with their hands to get to standing position. Extra hand movements are 1pt per extra step.• The straddle split /sit, knees should be on top – if the knees or feet are turned in there is a 1pt deduction for improper placement of feet or legs. This applies to all straddles.
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Pass 1 - Handstand forward roll into dive forward roll, pause, front over, finish. Run hop cartwheel, finish.Pass 2 - ‐ 2 one- ‐handed cartwheels, finish. Back pike roll into straddle split, finish. Bring legs together, back pike roll to stand, (take two steps with hands tostand), finish. Back over, (take a step out to each side for the back bend), finish.Pass 3 – Run hop roundoff, rebound, finish. b
Judges Notes:Pass 1 - Handstand forward roll into dive forward roll, pause, front over, finish. Run hop cartwheel, finish.Pass 2 -- 2 one--handed cartwheels, finish. Back pike roll into straddle split, finish. Bring legs together, back pike roll to stand, (take two steps with hands to stand), finish. Back over, (take a step out to each side for the back bend), finish.Pass 3 – Run hop roundoff, rebound, finish.• Handstand forward roll -- All handstands must reach a full handstand – deductions range from 5pts for no handstand, to 1pt for lack of body extension.• Dive roll – must show height and distance during the roll -- arms do not swing from behind during dive. This trick must be connected to the handstand -- no dive at all is a 5pt deduction – lack of height or distance is 1pt under bodyextension.• One-handed cartwheel – The tumbler may use either arm, the free arm should remain straight and away from the body. Possible deductions 1pt bent arm. 1pt improper placement of arm if it touches the body. Free arm should come back overhead between cartwheels -- 1pt. improper placement of arm.• Back Over – Tumbler should point foot forward before kicking over. • Roundoff - Hands should be off the ground before the feet hit – 1pt for both improper hand and body placement.
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You must come directly up in both the front over and the front arabian. Pass 1 – Run hop roundoff rebound turn cartwheel, finish. Back extension roll to handstand, walkout, back walkover, finish.Pass 2 – Front over, step together, front arabian, point foot into 2 cartwheels switching sides, turn out run hop one- ‐handed cartwheel, finish. (There is no finishuntil the end of the pass)Pass 3 – Run hop front handspring to squat, rebound, finish.
Judges Notes:You must come directly up in both the front over and the front arabian.Pass 1 – Run hop roundoff rebound turn cartwheel, finish. Back extension roll to handstand, walkout, back walkover, finish.Pass 2 – Front over, step together, front arabian, point foot into 2 cartwheels switching sides, turn out run hop one--handed cartwheel, finish. (There is no finish until the end of the pass)Pass 3 – Run hop front handspring to squat, rebound, finish.• Rebound ½ turn - should show height off the floor and an extended front leg. If there is no rebound there is a 5pt deduction. This is the only time a 5pt deduction is taken on rebound.• Front arabian – If legs bend during the front arabian it is only a 1pt deduction under bent legs. If is done in the tuck position, take an additional point off under body extension. This applies to all front arabians.• Back extension roll – A full handstand must be reached before stepping down – if the head does not come off the floor at all or just a little bit -- 5pt deduction. If the head come clearly off the floor but does not reach a full handstand with legs together, there must be a minimum deduction of 2pt. If the tumbler performs a back roll -- 10 pt off for wrong trick.
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ass 1 – Step hop front handspring to squat rebound, finish. Handstand forward roll into front arabian, front walkover, kick to straight handstand, straddle legs,fall into R/L split, finish. Bring legs together while placing head on floor, pause (optional) front headspring to squat rebound, finish.Pass 2 – Back walkover, scissor back walkover, turn scissor cartwheel, back walkover to stag on floor (leg does not bend until foot touches floor), finish. Pike upto straight headstand, stag leg hold for 3 counts, bring legs back together forward roll walkout.Pass 3 – Run hop front walkover, finish.
Judges Notes:Pass 1 – Step hop front handspring to squat rebound, finish. Handstand forward roll into front arabian, front walkover, kick to straight handstand, straddle legs, fall into R/L split, finish. Bring legs together while placing head on floor, pause (optional) front headspring to squat rebound, finish.Pass 2 – Back walkover, scissor back walkover, turn scissor cartwheel, back walkover to stag on floor (leg does not bend until foot touches floor), finish. Pike up to straight headstand, stag leg hold for 3 counts, bring legs back together forward roll walkout.Pass 3 – Run hop front walkover, finish.• Handstand straddle turn split – tumblers must hit a full handstand with leg together, then straddle legs (they do not have to stop in the straddle position) and fall directly into splits – this is not a slide to splits-- If the feet land in a high straddle and then slide down into a split it is 5pt off for a missed trick.• Front headsprings – a slight bottom touch is not a missed trick, but 1pt under body extension. There should not be any hand touch after landing. If there is touch behind and a bottom touch by the tumbler it is a miss trick -- 5pts. Both hands must come off the floor at the same time – 1pt for improper hand placement.• While rolling out of the headstand - the hands should not push the bottom off the floor -- 1pt improper placement of hands
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Pass 1 – Run hop roundoff back handspring, rebound, finish. Back extension roll to handstand, walkout, scissor back walkover, back walkover to handstand,legs must come together before stepping down, finish.Pass 2 – Pike forward roll, roll back, nip up to squat rebound, finish. Front arabian walkout, one- ‐handed front walkover, run hop kangaroo front walkover(kangaroo walkover should have a least 6 inches between hops), finish.Pass 3 – Jump ½ turn step out, run hop front handspring layout, finish.
Judges Notes:Pass 1 – Run hop roundoff back handspring, rebound, finish. Back extension roll to handstand, walkout, scissor back walkover, back walkover to handstand, legs must come together before stepping down, finish.Pass 2 – Pike forward roll, roll back, nip up to squat rebound, finish. Front arabian walkout, one--handed front walkover, run hop kangaroo front walkover (kangaroo walkover should have a least 6 inches between hops), finish.Pass 3 – Jump ½ turn step out, run hop front handspring layout, finish.• Back extension roll – A full handstand must be reached before stepping down. If the head does not come off the floor at all or just a little bit -- 5pt deduction. If the head clearly comes off the floor but does not reach a full handstand with legs together, there must be a minimum deduction of 2pts. If the tumbler performs a back roll – 10 pt off for wrongtrick.• Back walkover to handstand – must hit a full handstand legs must come together with a slight pause to show the handstand before stepping down. If the leg just passes through it is a 5pt missed trick not 10pt for a scissor backwalkover.• Nip up – Same as headsprings.• Kangaroo front walkover – Must move forward relative to the tumblers height an avg. of 6 inches. If there is a hop but little movement – 1pt improper hand placement and 1pt body extension – no movement all – 5pts missed trick. If they do a run hop front walkover -- 10pt wrong trick.• Front handspring layout - Needs to be fully laid out with no sign of a squat. Hips should line up with knees. If hips are slightly behind the knees take 1pt. under improper placement of legs and 1pt improper placement of body. If it is an obvious front handspring to a squat with no attempt at a layout it’s 10pt for wrong trick. There should be a slight rebound at the end. If they do a run hop front over (There is no push off at all -- 10pts wrong trick
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Pass 1- 2 swing through front walkovers, step together, front arabian, stopping in back bend, spider, back chest roll to floor, arch back touching foot to head,pause, lower leg, bring one leg forward kick up to elbow stand hold 3 counts arch over and up, finish. 2 -1 handed front walkover switching arms, finish.Pass 2 - Passé’ extend leg to waist level, back walkover, 1- handed back walkover, finish. Stepping to side of the mat, kick to split handstand fall over into split,finish. Swing front leg to back and then up to knees, pause with arms overhead, Raise up off heels, 2 chest rolls. Finish.Pass 3 – Front limber ½ twist walkout, run hop diving front walkover, finish.
Judges Notes:Pass 1- 2 swing through front walkovers, step together, front arabian, stopping in back bend, spider, back chest roll to floor, arch back touching foot to head, pause, lower leg, bring one leg forward kick up to elbow stand hold 3 counts arch over and up, finish. 2 -1 handed front walkover switching arms, finish.Pass 2 - Passé’ extend leg to waist level, back walkover, 1- handed back walkover, finish. Stepping to side of the mat, kick to split handstand fallover into split, finish. Swing front leg to back and then up to knees, pause with arms overhead, Raise up off heels, 2 chest rolls. Finish.Pass 3 – Front limber ½ twist walkout, run hop diving front walkover, finish.• Swing through front walkovers - If the foot touches the ground and weight is put on it during the swinging motion it is a missed trick 5pts – If the foot brushes the floor but not weight is placed on it – 1pt improper placement leg/foot, 1pt lifted well extended body.• Spider -If feet go off the mat during the spider there is no deduction. Hands do not move during the spider only the feet move around. A small move is 1pt off under improper placement of hands. Major move is a missed trick.5pts• Back chest roll – both feet leave the floor at the same time. It is a missed trick if one foot is kicked. 5pts• Foot must touch head. – 5pts missed trick• Passé back walkover – If leg is slightly short of waist level – 1pt improper leg placement and 1pt body extension.• Front limber ½ twist – Arms start overhead with the good hand turned ½ way fingers pointing toward the mat. Place hands on floor at the same time, opposite hand take one step around to face other direction walkover out. More than one step is the wrong trick – 10pts• Diving front walkover – Hop with arms behind the body swing arms forward into front walkover. Should show good distance on dive. No dive is a missed trick – 5pts. No dive and no arm motion wrong trick10pts
A Syncro
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Pass 1 – Partners hold hands, tuck forward roll to stand, release hands and finish. With arms over head, jump 4 times turning ¼ turn each time tocomplete a full circle. Finish facing end of mat. Pass 2 - Cartwheel pause, and lower down to one knee with arms out to side, count out loud to 5, stand and finish. Squat down, to sitting position,then lay down keeping knees bent and apart, push up to backbend, place on hand on stomach count out loud to 5, place hand back on floor, lay backdown keeping knees bent, roll back keeping knees bent, and arms over head, (do not roll over) roll forward and up to stand. Finish.Pass 3 – Partners face each other grasping both hands, turn inward and around, to face each other again. Release one set of hands, finish, facingend of mat. Starting on the same foot, skip to end of the mat while holding hands.
Judges Notes:
ass 1 – Partners hold hands, tuck forward roll to stand, release hands and finish. With arms over head, jump 4 times turning ¼ turn each time to complete a full circle. Finish facing end of mat.Pass 2 - Cartwheel pause, and lower down to one knee with arms out to side, count out loud to 5, stand and finish. Squat down, to sitting position, then lay down keeping knees bent and apart, push up to backbend, place on hand on stomach count out loud to 5, place hand back on floor, lay back down keeping knees bent, roll back keeping knees bent, and arms over head, (do not roll over) roll forward and up to stand. Finish.Pass 3 – Partners face each other grasping both hands, turn inward and around, to face each other again. Release one set of hands, finish, facing end of mat. Starting on the same foot, skip to end of the mat while holdinghands.
A+ Syncro
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Pass 1 - Run hop cartwheel, finish. Back bend, inside out, forward roll to stand, jump ½ turn finish.Pass 2 – Grasp hands, with other arms out to the side, step kick, chasse’, step kick (opposite leg) step together, release hands, punch diving forward roll,finish. Partner 1 moves to the other mat, as partner 2 lays down their back. Partner 1 should be facing the beginning of the mat. Partner 1 does a backbend and then does 10 + back bend crabwalks, walking over the top of partner 2.(Partner 1 must do at least 10 walks, but can do more if needed to clear their partner) Partner 2 then pushes up a back bend, and both partners come upfrom the back bend together, finish. Partner 1 returns to their mat, finish. 1-handed cartwheel, finish.Pass 3 – Run hop roundoff, rebound, finish.
Judges Notes:
Pass 1 - Run hop cartwheel, finish. Back bend, inside out, forward roll to stand, jump ½ turn finish.Pass 2 – Grasp hands, with other arms out to the side, step kick, chasse’, step kick (opposite leg) step together, release hands, punch diving forward roll, nish. Partner 1 moves to the other mat, as partner 2 lays down their back. Partner 1 should be facing the beginning of the mat. Partner 1 does a back bend and then does 10 + back bend crabwalks, walking over the top of partner 2.(Partner 1 must do at least 10 walks, but can do more if needed to clear their partner) Partner 2 then pushes up a back bend, and both partners come up from the back bend together, finish. Partner 1 returns to their mat, finish. 1-handed cartwheel, finish.Pass 3 – Run hop roundoff, rebound, finish.
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Pass 1 – Run hop roundoff, rebound turn 1-handed cartwheel, finish. back walkover to one knee pause,Pass 2 – Front over, finish. Both partners step and turn to face the side of mat, One partner does a back bend and the other partner does a back bendon to their thighs, hold 5 counts, come up and finish facing beginning of mat. Pike forward into a headstand, hold 2 counts, roll forward to stand. finish.Both partners turn to face side of mat, front partner goes down to one knee while other partner grasps partners hands and performs an arabesque hold 3counts, stand and finish facing end of mat.Pass 3 – Run hop front handspring to squat finish.
Judges Notes:Open to C-1 and UnderPass 1 – Run hop roundoff, rebound turn 1-handed cartwheel, finish. back walkover to one knee pause,Pass 2 – Front over, finish. Both partners step and turn to face the side of mat, one partner does a back bend and the other partner does a back bend on to their thighs, hold 5 counts, come up and finish facing beginning of mat. Pike forward into a headstand, hold 2 counts, roll forward to stand. finish. Both partners turn to face side of mat, front partner goes down to one knee while other partner grasps partners hands and performs an arabesque hold 3 counts, stand and finish facing end of mat.Pass 3 – Run hop front handspring to squat finish.
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Pass 1 - Front walkover, step hop diving front walkover, finish. Handstand forward roll stopping in tuck position with hands on mat, place head on mat,pike up to headstand, pause, drop legs to single stage position, hold 3 counts. Bring legs together and roll out into front headspring to squat, rebound,finish. Pass 2 - Partners turn to face side of the mat. The front partner lies down on the mat with knees bent. The back partner steps forward with feet onthe outside of the other partner’s shoulders. Both partners place their hands on the others knees. The top partner jumps as the bottom partner lifts theother partner’s legs off the floor. The top partner arches touching toes to head, hold 3 counts. The top partner is lowered back to the mat and grabs thehands of the bottom partner and helping them arch up to stand, finish. Partners return to their mat facing the end of the mat.Pass 3 - Back walkover, back walkover to handstand, step down, back walkover to knee, finish. Holding hands, slide to splits, finish with arms out toside. Release hands and swing front leg to back and then to knees, bring leg forward and into front walkover, finish. Pivot turn, Run hop fronthandspring to layout, finish.
Judges Notes:Open to C-1 and UnderPass 1 - Front walkover, step hop diving front walkover, finish. Handstand forward roll stopping in tuck position with hands on mat, place head on mat, pike up to headstand, pause, drop legs to single stage position, hold 3 counts. Bring legs together and roll out into front headspring to squat, rebound, finish.Pass 2 - Partners turn to face side of the mat. The front partner lies down on the mat with knees bent. The back partner steps forward with feet on the outside of the other partner’s shoulders. Both partners place their hands on the others knees. The top partner jumps as the bottom partner liftstheir partner’s legs off the floor. The top partner arches touching toes to head, hold 3 counts. The top partner is lowered back to the mat and grabs thehands of the bottom partner and helping them arch up to stand, finish. Partners return to their mat facing the end of the mat.Pass 3 - Back walkover, back walkover to handstand, step down, back walkover to knee, finish. Holding hands, slide to splits, finish with arms out to side. Release hands and swing front leg to back and then to knees, bring leg forward and into front walkover, finish. Pivot turn, run hop front handspring to layout, finish
C Syncro
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Pass 1 – Run hop roundoff back handspring rebound finish. Back walkover to handstand pike down to knees, pause, front headspring rebounding intoa jump full turn, Finish.Pass 2 - 3 tick tocks front/back walkovers (front, back, front with no stops) step hop diving front walkover, finish. 2 partner butterflies finish facing endof mat.Pass 3 – Grasping hands, front walkover, step hop handspring to squat, finish.
Judges Notes:Open to C-5 and UnderPass 1 – Run hop roundoff back handspring rebound finish. Back walkover to handstand pike down to knees, pause, front headspring rebounding into a jump full turn, Finish.Pass 2 - 3 tick tocks front/back walkovers (front, back, front with no stops) step hop diving front walkover, finish. 2 partner butterflies finish facing end of mat.Pass 3 – Grasping hands, front walkover, step hop handspring to squat, finish.